Iranian mobile News Media Review Thursday June 11, 2009

• ۱۱۰ million sms messages were sent on June 9, Telecommunication Company of Iran PR said, pointing out that it was largely due to the Presidential Election campaign.Mehr news agency, Iran, Arman, Resalat, Khabar, Sobh Eghtesad, Karoon, Farhikhtegan, Hayat No, Hadaf o Eghtesad, Javan, Ebtekar, Javan, Ghods and Zaman newspapers reported. • High-speed internet penetration rate in …

• ۱۱۰ million sms messages were sent on June 9, Telecommunication Company of Iran PR said, pointing out that it was largely due to the Presidential Election campaign.
Mehr news agency, Iran, Arman, Resalat, Khabar, Sobh Eghtesad, Karoon, Farhikhtegan, Hayat No, Hadaf o Eghtesad, Javan, Ebtekar, Javan, Ghods and Zaman newspapers reported.
• High-speed internet penetration rate in Iran stands at four percent and the country ranks nineteenth among Middle East countries.
Mobna, ISNA, SITNA, IRNA and Mehr news agencies, Asr Eghtesad, Abrar Eghtesadi, Jahan Sanat, Andishe No, Kar o Karegar, Vatan Emrouz, Karoon, Arman and Poul newspapers reported.  
• An electronic system to issue industrial and mines licenses has been launched for the first time at Industries and Mines ministry, the secretary to its ICT council said.
IRNA news agency, Donyay-e Eghtesad, Fanavaran, Etelaat and Eghtesad Pouya newspapers reported.

• With the current 25 percent tariff on imported mobile sets, mobile smuggling will not vanish, a mobile set vendor said.
Mobna news agency, Sarmayeh, Donyay-e Eghtesad and Javan newspapers reported.

• Radio Communication and Regulations Organization has destroyed 12,190 illegal wireless telephones in Iran, an RCRO official said.
 ILNA news agency, Jahan Eghtesad and Poul newspapers reported.
• Circulation of investment profits in mobile phone market, with 46 million users, is beneficial to unauthorized activists, a market insider believes.
Mobna news agency, Sarmayeh and Abrar Eghtesadi newspapers reported.
• The first conference on computer data transfer vulnerability has been held at Telecommunication Research Center on June 10.
ISNA, SITNA, Mobna, IRNA and Mehr news agencies, Sarmayeh and Jahan Sanat newspapers reported.

• A third world branch of the Virtual University, called “U21Global” has been established in Shiraz E-tower, Shiraz Electronic Tower managing director announced.
Mobna news agency and Abrar Eghtesadi newspaper reported.

• On a television program President Ahmadinejad has accused another presidential candidate (Mehdi Karroubi) of having paid 200 billion rials towards his sms campaign, the charge since denied by Telecommunication Company of Iran.
ILNA news agency and Jahan Sanat newspaper reported. 

• Tehran Municipality’s data center will be launched by June 21, Tehran Municipality ICT Organization’s managing director announced.
ISNA news agency and Fanavaran newspaper reported.
• Taliya prepaid sim price cut welcomed, mobile set vendors said.
Mobna news agency and Sarmayeh newspaper reported.
• Next Generation Network (NGN) training workshop held at Telecommunication Research Center June 14- 18 June.
ISNA news agency reported.

• ۳۸ million sim cards released during Ahmadinejad Government, ICT minister said.
Fars news agency reported.
• TCI to provide stable network on Election day for internet and mobile phone users, Telecommunication Company of Iran PR announced.
Mehr news agency reported.

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